As Twitter search only holds data for a couple of days, it can be hard finding tweets from far into your distant past. If you favourite them then they are bookmarked for later on. Easy!

You can access all your favourites later on via Twitter web - click on Your Profile > Favourites and they are all listed there.
Often during the day - while standing in line for the barista - I see tweets with links to blogs or articles I want to read. Being time poor, I just favourite these tweets so that I can read them later on at my my leisure, and can unfavourite them as I read them. Its kind of like a reading list.
This is a fantastic feature.... but quite naturally leads me to wonder - is anyone favouriting my tweets? Anyone? Anyone at all?
Favouriting is another great measure of engagement, just as retweets, click throughs or mentions are - and shows you who in your community is interested in your content. This can also allow you to tailor your tweets so they appeal to those who you know retweet or favourite you. Try engaging more with these people - they share interests with you!

Just enter your Twitter username and you can see your most favourited tweets, which of your most recent tweets have been favourited, a list of all the tweeps who have favourited your tweets (ever) and the number of times they have favourited you.
This might also be a useful way to check out the most favourited tweets of other people which can potentially be a good source for retweeting content.
Want to receive notifications of when you tweets have been favourited? You can add Favstar into your RSS feeder so you get a notification of who favourites your tweets. Just add the following url into your reader
How do you use the Twitter favourite feature?
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