Monday, 7 March 2011

Is Social Media A Race? Or A Journey?

I overheard a conversation recently where 2 people were talking about how long they have been using social media and whether they were ‘ahead’ of others who had yet to join, or who had only just joined.
It struck me that they were treating social media participation like a race. Or an Amway pyramid. Just because you are an early adopter doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be The King Pin. There are plenty of people who I know that have been using social media for years, but might have a small group of people who they engage with. There are others who have burst onto the social media scene quite recently, but have embraced it like a long lost lover and never let it go. They have a huge enthusiastic audience who they actively engage with.
The exception are those personas who have a large following in the offline world as well. Like Charlie Sheen who joined Twitter today, and already has over 600,000 followers after just 11 tweets.  But lets face it, he makes Mel Gibson look normal and boring.
So really, its not a race and it doesn’t matter when you started or if you joined in at Mission Bay like most of Auckland does doing Round The Bays. Its whether you’ve embraced it, and how you use it that really counts.
Enjoy the journey and I’ll see you at the end for a refreshing drink. And a few plasters if you need them.

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